The payment gateways API allows you to view, and update individual payment gateways. Results are not paginated - all gateways will be returned.
This API lets you retrieve and view a specific payment gateway.
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
ApiData paymentGateway = await WooSignal.instance.retrievePaymentGateway(id: "payment gateway id");
ApiData instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce retrieve an payment gateway
This API helps you to view all the payment gateways.
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
List<PaymentGateWay> paymentGateways = await WooSignal.instance.getPaymentGateways();
List<PaymentGateWay> instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce list all payment gateways
This API lets you make changes to a payment gateway.
required String id,
Map<String, dynamic> data
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
PaymentGateWay paymentGateway = await WooSignal.instance.updatePaymentGateway(id: "payment gateway id", data: {});
PaymentGateWay instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce update a payment gateway