The order notes API allows you to create, view, and delete individual order notes. Order notes are added by administrators and programmatically to store data about an order, or order events.
This API helps you to create a new note for an order.
required int id,
Map<String, dynamic> data,
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
OrderNote orderNote = await WooSignal.instance.createOrderNote(id: "order id", data: {});
OrderNote instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce create an order note
This API lets you retrieve and view a specific note from an order.
required int orderId,
required int noteId
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
OrderNote orderNote = await WooSignal.instance.retrieveOrderNote(orderId: "order id", noteId: "note id");
OrderNote instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce retrieve an order note
This API helps you to view all the notes from an order.
required int orderId,
String context,
String type
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
List<OrderNote> orderNotes = await WooSignal.instance.getOrderNotes(id: "order id");
List<OrderNote> instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce list all order notes
This API helps you delete an order note.
int orderId,
int noteId
// Initialize WooSignal
await WooSignal.instance.init(appKey: "your app key");
// Call API
OrderNote orderNote = await WooSignal.instance.deleteOrderNote(int orderId, int noteId);
OrderNote instance
Represents the following object - WooCommerce delete an order note