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WP Notify Plugin v1.0.1

Send push notification from WordPress using Firebase Cloud Messaging. This package automatically pushes your FCM token to WordPress to start sending notifications. Features include the ability to assign a WordPress user with an FCM token and send push notifications to IOS/Android devices using our API in WordPress.

API features:

  • - Send push notifications from WordPress
  • - You can assign FCM tokens to a WordPress user
  • - Dashboard to send notifications

This plugin is also mobile-friendly so you can add our Flutter package wp_notify into your project to enable notifications.

If the app uses Flutter, you can download our wp_notify Flutter package from

Once you have installed our plugin you can start calling the new APIs available

An example request to Store an FCM token

#1 Store FCM token for a user


POST Payload

    "token": "fcm token",


    "data": [],
    "message": "Token stored successfully in WP",
    "status": 200

#2 Sending a notification from WordPress

WordPress Action - wp_notify_user

do_action('wp_notify_user', $user->ID, $title, $desc);
Read full documentation here